Who we are
St. Joseph Shelter of Hope (SJSHope) is a registered Faith Based Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) that was established in 1999 and is under the leadership of the General Council of Sisters of St. Joseph, Archdiocese of Mombasa. The General Council is assisted by an Advisory Board and Management to implement the organizations strategic objectives. SJSHope strive to protect, nurture and enhance the value and sacredness of life. This is achieved through various Projects carried out in the organization.

Our Mission
To offer quality health care services that are accessible, affordable and holistic inspired by Christian values to restore hope to humanity,
Our Vision
To be a universal health care provider of choice,
Core Values
Integrity, Confidentiality, Compassion, Respect, Prayer, Professionalism, Team Work, Continuous improvement and Humanity ,
Children Support
Support us to run this project to educate orphans and vulnerable children
Our services
St. Joseph Shelter of Hope Hospital
Since its inception in 1999, St. Joseph Shelter of Hope, whose health, social and economic transformational impact has persistently kept on winning the hearts of donors and beneficiaries in the entire County of Taita Taveta and beyond, has as well won the confidence of many in terms of health services provision.
Currently, St. Joseph Shelter of Hope offers quality in and outpatient services, X-ray, Ultra Sound, lab, theatre services as well as Home visits and outreach services across Taita Taveta County and neighboring Counties. The Hospital services offered are: Out - Patient, In - Patient, Pharmaceuticals, Laboratory, Antenatal Care, Maternity, Radiography and Sonography (X - Ray, Ultra Sound), Thearte, Comprehensive Care Clinic, HIV Testing and Counseling, Home and Community Based Care, Fare - Well (Funeral) Home, Ambulance Services, Psycho-social and Professional Counseling Services.
The Facility operates 24 hours with a Resident Doctor.
Orphan and Vulnerable Children
St. Joseph Shelter of Hope offers support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) mainly by educating them from primary to the university level as well as by providing clothing, food and medical treatment.
St. Joseph Shelter of Hope is both a centre of HOPE to People Leaving With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAS), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). The centre was mainly started with the intention of assisting and restoring HOPE to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. However, with time the number of children both orphaned and not orphaned by HIV/AIDS rose due to the scourge and as well as a result of high poverty index in Taita – Taveta County. Consequently, the centre had to incorporate the children as some proved fit academically. As a result of the intake, the students were distributed from nursery schools, primary schools, high schools, colleges to universities.
Your support towards this project will go a long way to ensure the children are supported sufficiently.
Outreach Projects
St. Joseph Shelter of Hope is a faith-based NGO and, whose social and economic transformational impact has persistently kept on winning the hearts of donors and beneficiaries in the entire Taita Taveta County and beyond for the last sixteen years. Founded in 1999 by Sr. Genovefa Maashao of Sisters of St. Joseph Mombasa archdiocese, the organization sought to combat illnesses and effects of HIV/ AIDS. Sixteen years on, the organization is still fully dedicated to fighting HIV and AIDS, illiteracy and poverty on the frontlines partnering with local communities churches and relevant authorities, to sensitize, provide medication and develop community – led initiatives to prevent new HIV infections, fight barriers to treatment, eradicating illiteracy , life degrading poverty, and ending discrimination resulting from the pandemic. In addition to this, our organization is also designed to address cultural needs of PLWH, (People Living With HIV) and general patients, who are not living with HIV - together with OVC - (Orphans and Vulnerable Children), in a three- pronged approach: education for all, nutrition and high quality health care and medication. As a result of high demand for high quality general health services, we have adopted a wide approach which has a sharp focus, in equal measure, on other illnesses. As a result of this need, there has been a need to elevate our health centre to a fully fledged hospital.
Hope Water
Hope Pure Drinking water is an initiative made by St. Joseph Shelter of Hope (SJSHope) as a source of Income to support the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in paying school fees and to offset medical bills for the patients who are unable to pay. SJSHope started treating and bottling at the source under most stringent hygienic conditions as a way of raising income with the support of World Vision Kenya, Voi - IPA.

Our Gallery
photos showing some of our services.
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